“Small, smart choices + consistency + time
Improving health takes time so investing in that process is the most successful way to see lasting results.
We will work together in collaboration, exploring all facets that create your health, and how they may be supporting or diminishing your wellbeing, health and longevity.
Trained holistically and in the functional medicine approach, I consider the whole body and apply a 360 degree approach in your health care. I believe in a Food First approach with supplements where added benefit can be gained. I offer state-of-the-art testing, DNA testing and tracking, if that suits your needs. When using supplements I consider high quality practitioner range products.
What’s Included in my Programmes?
Weekly or fortnightly consultations
Health coaching
Test interpretations
Creation of protocols
Research on your case
Liaison with laboratories over tests
Test review separate to our consultations
Constant support to help you reach your goal
Sleep and movement analysis if you use a tracker, i.e. Apple Watch, Oura
Laboratory testing
Consultations & Fees
The most successful way to help you reach your goals is through a Personalised Protocol, working together over several weeks or months with the average time being 3 months.
Personalised Protocol, 3 hours+ Consultations. £795
Personalised Protocol, 6 hours+ of Consultations. £1500
In-depth health and lifestyle assessment including medical history, family history, lifestyle, sleep, movement and stress. We will assess your key health concerns and goals. You will receive personal coaching support alongside consultations, to help you adhere to the tailored protocol and diet plan, as well as educational hand outs and resources. Includes all research according to your case, and liaison with other health care providers, i.e. GP letters, laboratory test ordering and reviews separate to Consultations.
Alternatively you may wish to have a single consultation if you feel your health is in good shape but need my help on a key matter.
90 minute one-off consultation looking at your health history, medical history, family history, recent laboratory work, current health status and health concerns-goals. £395
Follow up consultations one-off / Laboratory liaison-test result review £200
Monthly Membership
I also offer a monthly membership starting £500+ pcm which includes an Initial Consultation, + weekly 30 minute consultations. A minimum of 6 months sign up required. Includes discount on supplements and other health bonuses.
How to Get Started
Free 30 minute call to discuss your health concerns and any questions about the protocol.
“I would say I’m in the best place mentally I’ve been for over a decade.
My wife asked me to tell you that I’ve been notably happier since I’ve been working with you / changed lifestyle.”